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Elite Force add-on announced

Activision's Star Trek action game will soon get an expansion pack. New screenshots inside.


Activision has announced that it will soon release an official add-on for Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force. The expansion will include a variety of additions to the game, including an interactive 3D re-creation of the Voyager ship, two new single-player campaigns, 17 new multiplayer maps, and 12 new character models. In addition, the add-on will include two new game modes: a class-based team game and an assimilate mode. The class-based team game will let players select a character class with skill bonuses, and the assimilate mode will let players try to neutralize a single Borg invader before they are assimilated.

The Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force add-on is scheduled for release this spring. For more information about Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force, read our in-depth review of the game.

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