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Evolve Xbox One Open Beta Starts Next Month, Offline Mode Revealed

Xbox One owners can play the 4-vs-1 shooter from January 15; Smaller, more limited tests will be available for PS4 and PC.

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2K Games and Turtle Rock Studios on Thursday announced that the open beta for upcoming 4-vs-1 monster-hunting game Evolve will begin next month on Xbox One.

PlayStation 4 and PC players will also get a chance to play ahead of release, though only Xbox One is getting an open beta.

The Evolve open beta on Xbox One will run January 15-19, 2015. Players can try out the game's "Hunt" mode, and also unlock new Monsters and Hunters throughout the beta, which will carry over to the full retail game when it's released in February. On January 17, the Evolve beta on Xbox One will introduce Evacuation mode, before the trial comes to an end two days later.

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Turtle Rock is also inviting some PS4 players to play Evolve in January. If you were invited to October's Big Alpha, you'll be given access to a "smaller closed technical test" for Evolve starting on January 17. This will be smaller in scope than the Xbox One open beta, and it will not feature Evacuation mode. On top of that, Hunter and Monster unlocks will not carry over to the full game.

PC players, meanwhile, can try Evolve starting January 16 through another technical test. Players previously invited to the Big Alpha on PC are guaranteed access, while people who have Left 4 Dead or BioShock Infinite in the Steam libraries are also being granted access to the test period. Similar to PS4, the PC Evolve test does not include Evacuation and unlocks won't carry forward.

Turtle Rock also today announced a third playable monster: Wraith. Described as a "small, terrifying, stealthy assassin," Wraith has the least amount of health of all Evolve monsters, but her quickness and dexterity will make her a tough opponent, the developer says. Check out the video above to see Wraith in action.

On top of that, Turtle Rock also has announced offline support for Evolve. The developer says every character, map, and mode from the game can be played offline. In this scenario, one solo player takes on computer-controlled opponents, whether you play as the monster or a team of four Hunters.

Evolve's offline mode, however, will not be supported in the upcoming Xbox One, PS4, and PC tests.

The release date for Evolve is February 10, 2015. The game was originally expected to launch in fall 2014, but was delayed to 2015 in August so that Turtle Rock could "fully realize their creative vision."

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