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Exclusive screens: Disciples II

Take a look at Strategy First's upcoming sequel to the fantasy turn-based strategy game Disciples: Sacred Lands.


Strategy First today sent us some exclusive new screenshots from its upcoming turn-based strategy game, Disciples II: Dark Prophecy. The new screenshots display more of the series' trademark hand-painted character portraits, and they also show off the new game's improved combat graphics.

Disciples II is set in the same medieval fantasy world as the previous game, and it uses the same style of turn-based strategy game mechanics. The new game features a number of improvements on the previous game, including enhanced graphics, a larger variety of units and environments, and an all-new campaign.

Disciples II: Dark Prophecy is being developed in-house at Strategy First, and it is scheduled for release in October. For more information, take a look at our collection of extensive coverage of the game.

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