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Exclusive screens: O.R.B.

Strategy First sends us a batch of new screenshots from its upcoming deep space real-time strategy game.


Strategy First sent us a new group of screenshots from its upcoming 3D real-time strategy game, O.R.B. The new screens depict some of the outer space environments and detailed ship models that will appear in the game. In the game, players will control a space station and a number of different ship units that can be moved freely in three dimensions. It features a traditional real-time strategy combination of combat, resource management, and technology research, but the game also lets players take direct control of their units, which turns the game into a sort of space combat simulation.

O.R.B. will feature two playable factions with 20 units each, and it will include a different single-player campaign for each faction. In addition, the game will come with a scenario editor that will let players create custom missions, campaigns, and cutscenes.

O.R.B. is now in beta testing, and it is scheduled for release this fall. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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