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F1 23 Launches In June, New Trailer Reveals Cover Athlete

The cover athlete is Max Verstappen.


Electronic Arts announced that F1 23 will launch on June 16 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

F1 23 returns with its story mode, Braking Point. It follows the careers of Aiden Jackson and Devon Butler as they join the Konnersport Racing Team. Devon's Sister, Callie Mayer, is a rising in F2 and wants a shot at F1. The family dynamic may cause friction later in the story.

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Now Playing: F1 23 | Official Reveal Trailer

Two racing locations will also debut in F1 23, which are the Las Vegas Street Circuit in Nevada, USA and the Losail International Circuit in Doha, Qatar. Additionally, there will be other community-requested features, including red flags. Red Flags were last seen in F2 2014.

Max Verstappen is the cover athlete for F1 23. He is currently the 2021 and 2022 F1 World Champion. Those who order the digital-exclusive Champions Edition will receive a Max Verstappen race wear pack as well as a few other perks such as XP Boost, dual entitlement across console generations, and three-day early access starting on June 13.

In GameSpot's F1 22 review, we said, "It's in the omissions and lackluster additions where F1 22 falters somewhat, with less content than last year's entry and a paid battle pass-like system that locks away many cosmetic items behind a paywall. It's a few rare missteps for a series that has been consistently great for so long, but thankfully it delivers in the high-octane action on track, where it matters most."

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