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FIFA 16 Now Free on Xbox One and PC With EA/Origin Access

The Vault added a new game today.


Right on schedule, EA's FIFA 16 has joined the free game lineup for the EA/Origin Access programs on Xbox One and PC. Subscribers can grab the game, released in September 2015, from "The Vault" today. The download weighs in at 16.87 GB on Xbox One, while the game requires 15 GB of free space on PC.

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FIFA 16 joins FIFA 14 and FIFA 15 on Xbox One's EA Access, while PC's Origin Access already has FIFA 15 in its library.

All games in the EA Access/Origin Access Vault are free for subscribers for as long as their subscription remains active. These are the full, unrestricted versions of the games. There is no set schedule for when new games will arrive, but EA has pledged never to remove any of them.

The full lineup of free EA Access and Origin Access games is available below.

Subscriptions go for $5/month or $30/year. In addition to free games, other benefits include five-day early access to upcoming EA games and a 10 percent discount on all EA digital content.

EA Access is not available on PlayStation 4 because Sony thinks it does not represent a good enough value for its users. It's still possible the service could come to Sony's system, but no announcements have been made.

EA Access Free Games:

Origin Access Free Games:

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