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FIFA 21 Next-Gen PS5 And Xbox Series X/S Details Revealed

The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S version of FIFA 21 launches on December 4.


EA has released the first details for the next-gen version of FIFA 21, coming to both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S on December 4. Those who already own the current-gen version of FIFA 21 can upgrade to this new version for free by making use of EA's Dual Entitlement.

EA promises a huge leap forward in visual quality for next-gen FIFA, with a new deferred lighting system called LiveLight Rendering allowing the developer to create ultra-realistic football environments. Aside from recreating the world's biggest stadiums in more detail than ever before, LiveLight Rendering also combines with muscle flex and strand-based hair technology to bring the sport's stars to life with the series' most detailed player recreations yet.

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The EA Sports GameCam, meanwhile, is a new gameplay camera inspired by the look and feel of TV broadcasts. This, combined with a series of new pre-match cinematics and Big Goal Moments designed to capture the pandemonium of game-winning goals, should add to the immersion and excitement of each match on next-gen FIFA 21.

Player movement has also been made more realistic with the inclusion of responsive Multi-Touch Animations. There are 700 new animation combinations that enhance the visual quality and responsiveness of linked animations, giving you more agility and control over the ball than in the past. Off-Ball Humanization adds another layer of detail as players display more human behaviour, such as wiping sweat from their face or regaining their breath after sprinting.

Players like Golden Boy winner Erling Braut Haaland are more detailed than ever.
Players like Golden Boy winner Erling Braut Haaland are more detailed than ever.

If you're playing FIFA 21 on PS5, the DualSense controller's haptic feedback will respond to what's happening on the pitch. Powerful left-footed shots will coincide with vibrations on the left side of the controller, while crunching head-on tackles are met with intense feedback. The controller's adaptive triggers also play a role, with trigger resistance increasing as your stamina drains so you can really feel the effect of a players' tiredness as their fitness decreases.

Activity Cards are another PS5 exclusive, letting you jump to your favourite modes directly from the PlayStation home screen. EA also says it takes under two seconds to load a Kick-Off match on the next-gen console's super-fast SSDs.

It's worth noting that none of these features will be coming to the PC version of FIFA 21. In an interview with Eurogamer, executive producer Aaron McHardy explained the decision, saying that EA opted to keep the minimum specs down on PC in order to be more inclusive.

If you want to get the next-gen version of FIFA 21 for as little as $27, both the PS4 and Xbox One versions are on sale at GameStop this Black Friday. All you have to do is upgrade to the next-gen version for free when it launches on December 4.

Madden NFL 21 is also receiving a next-gen upgrade on the same date, and EA recently shared some details on what to expect when it launches on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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