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Final Fantasy VI confirmed for Japan PSN

Square Enix dates sixth installment in venerated RPG series for overseas release on April 20; Western debut TBA.

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Square Enix went on a tear rereleasing installments in its Final Fantasy catalog through the PlayStation Network at the end of 2009 and into 2010. In addition to the original game and its sequel, the publisher added Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX to the PlayStation 3's classic game service.

This week, one more installment in the series has been added to that list, as Square Enix announced through its Japanese-language Twitter feed that it will deliver Final Fantasy VI to Sony's Game Archives (known as PSOne Classics in the US) on April 20. The publisher has not announced a North American rerelease for the title, but previous rerelease announcements have first come in Japan and then later in North America.

Kefka terrorized Final Fantasy VI.
Kefka terrorized Final Fantasy VI.

Originally released for the Super NES in North America as Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy VI follows the story of the love-lost and memory-bereaved supersoldier Terra, who embarks with her ragtag group of companions to save the world from the maniacal clutches of Kefka and Emperor Gestahl.

For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of Final Fantasy VI.

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