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First Look: KOF 2000

SNK unveils The King of Fighters 2000, possibly the final chapter in the series.


GameSpot News brings you the first look at The King of Fighters 2000 for the arcade. The new characters include Seth and Vanessa, who previously appeared as Striker characters in KOF '99 Evolution for the Sega Dreamcast, and three others Rin, Shijyo Hinako, and Ramon. Improved versions of the Striker system are Another Striker System, where certain characters have a secondary Striker in addition to the normal Striker, and Advanced Striker System, where you can summon Striker anytime during a fight (previously it could only be summoned when in the neutral position). Other systems from last year have been eliminated, while systems from older KOF games have returned.

Possibly the final chapter in the series, The King of Fighters 2000 is scheduled to appear in arcades this summer in Japan.

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