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First look: Kung Fu Chaos

Microsoft takes the wraps off its '70s-style cartoonlike brawler.


Microsoft has officially announced Kung Fu Chaos, an over-the-top brawler that's in development at UK-based Just Add Monsters. The game is a cartoon-style fighting game that lets up to four players battle on large movie sets. All the characters in Kung Fu Chaos have been designed to fit with the comedic tone of the game, so players will have access to characters like Chop & Styx, a samurai with a child attached to his back, and a ninja named Ninja Fu Hiya. Combat in Kung Fu Chaos will be easy enough to learn that novices can jump into the game and start playing right away, but Microsoft says that there will be an added layer of depth for experienced players. Kung Fu Chaos will also have a few extras in the form of minigames and different multiplayer and single-player modes.

Kung Fu Chaos is scheduled for release on the Xbox this fall.

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