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First look: Mystery of the Druids

CDV's upcoming adventure game will take players on an adventure through time.


CDV Software has revealed Mystery of the Druids, its upcoming adventure game based on ancient druidic legends. The game takes players on a journey through time to investigate a mysterious murder. Players assume the role of Scotland Yard detective Brent Halligan, who uncovers information indicating a ritual murder. Through his discussions with an anthropologist named Dr. Turner, Halligan finds clues linking a druidic order to the crime. The pair soon discover a dangerous plot to complete an ancient ritual using a powerful rune-inscribed staff. To succeed in their mission, Halligan and Turner must travel back in time to the year A.D. 1000 to stop the initial preparations for the ritual.

To prepare for the trip, the pair must learn more about the ancient druidic sciences. In the course of the game, the heroes will have to use the powers of the four elements to solve a variety of puzzles and eventually retrieve the staff.

The game will feature 50 detailed locations that include more than 360 interactive scenes. Players will interact with more than 20 speaking characters in the game through nonlinear dialogue. The game uses a blend of 2D and 3D graphics, including character models with up to 1000 polygons. In addition, more than five hours of language recording are included in the game.

Mystery of the Druids is scheduled for release in Germany later this year. A North American release date has not been announced. For more information about the game, visit the official Web site.

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