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First Mouse-compatible PS2 Title Revealed

Sugar & Rockets, a satellite company of Sony Computer Entertainment, will be releasing the first mouse-compatible PlayStation 2 title.


GameSpot News learned today that Sugar & Rockets, a satellite company of Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), will be releasing the first mouse-compatible PlayStation 2 title called Bikkuri Mouse. The title lets players create pictures using drawing tools. These tools don't just draw lines or make circles for you, they even draw simple pictures for you. For example, a drawing of a circle will change into a sun, or flowers will grow out as you are drawing a ground-line across. The game can also be played between by two-players, either competitively or cooperatively. You can also record your performances onto the PS2 Memory Card.

The title is compatible with a USB mouse, but SCE has not officially announced a release of a PS2 Mouse at this point. The game can also be played without a USB mouse.

Bikkuri Mouse is scheduled for a July release in Japan, with a price tag of 4800yen.

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