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Fortnite Adds Rocket League's Most Famous Car

The Octane is now available in Fortnite alongside a special contest dedicated to it.


Rocket League is crossing over with Fortnite. The soccer-with-cars game's most iconic vehicle, the Octane, is now available in the battle royale game with the v22.10 update that just launched.

Rocket League developer Psyonix is owned by Fortnite developer Epic Games, so this is an in-house collaboration between two games owned by the same company.

The Octane comes to Fortnite
The Octane comes to Fortnite

Epic Games explained in a blog post that Fortnite's Octane operates just like you'd expect it to. It has rocket boosters and the ability to jump and double jump just like it can in Rocket League. It can also fly--for a period of time--and drive on walls.

Epic Games is celebrating the crossover with a special island design contest that calls upon players to "use the vehicle to its fullest potential." Check out the official contest guidelines to learn more.

Fortnite v22.10 patch introduces a new long-range weapon, a new type of chest, and a returning fan-favorite item to the battle royale. For more, check out the full Fortnite v22.10 patch notes.

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