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Full Trailer For Square Enix's New Game Left Alive Released

Metal Gear's Yoji Shinkawa is working on the game.


Following the announcement of Square Enix's intriguing-looking new game Left Alive at Sony's Tokyo Game Show briefing this week, the company has now released a full-length trailer for it.

In addition to the trailer, we learned more about the game itself. It's a "survival action shooter" for PlayStation 4 and PC, due out in 2018. You can check out the trailer below.

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One really interesting part of the announcement is that Metal Gear veteran Yoji Shinkawa is working on the project. His artwork can be seen in the trailer above and is also featured below.

Shinji Hashimoto, who has worked on the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts franchises, is producing Left Alive, while Toshifumi Nabeshima, director of the Armored Core series, and Takayuki Yanase, mech designer on Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, and Xenoblade Chronicles X are also involved.

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Sony's TGS briefing brought a lot of new trailers, including new videos for games like Detroit: Become Human, Zone of the Enders VR, and the new Shadow of the Colossus. You can catch up with all the big news and trailers in GameSpot's roundup here.

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