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GameCube launch day revenue at $98 million

Nintendo expects to sell out of its 700,000 launch units by week's end.


Nintendo of America has announced that its launch-day revenue for the GameCube console, games, and accessories reached a combined $98 million. The company reconfirmed that it launched with 700,000 hardware units, but it did not discuss specific unit sell-through numbers.

However, according to a Goldman Sachs survey, which polled 49 retail chain stores, Nintendo sold 47 percent of its original GameCube shipment. That equates to approximately 330,000 units, which would fall in line with Nintendo's own revenue numbers. The most popular opening games on launch day, in order, were Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II, and Wave Race: Blue Storm.

"Some 700,000 Nintendo GameCube hardware systems moved to retail locations in time for our launch, our largest first-day supply ever," said Peter Main, executive vice president sales and marketing at Nintendo of America. "But right now it appears that none of them may be left by this weekend."

Nintendo will ship 100,000 units each week during the holiday season. The company expects to ship 1.2 million units by the end of the year.

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