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GameCube outselling PS2 by 20 percent

Nintendo console king of the hill at major US retailers


Those calling for price drops in the Xbox and PS2 got some major ammunition today, with Nintendo announcing that its recently discounted GameCube is the top-selling console in the US.

In a statement, Nintendo cited figures that had the Cube outselling Sony's PlayStation 2 by a solid 20 percent during the week of October 4. The spread was even wider for Microsoft's Xbox--GameCube sales surpassed Xbox sales by a whopping 145 percent. Unfortunately, hard sales numbers won't be available until the next Toy Retail Sales Tracking Service (TRSTS) report.

The figures are a vindication for Nintendo's bold price cut last month, which dropped the GC's price from $149 to just $99. It is possible that the high sales numbers will help convince skittish publishers and third-party developers that the platform is here to stay.

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