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Gears 5 Input Lag Is Dramatically Improved On Xbox Series X

Microsoft says this makes it a "profoundly more responsive experience."


In addition to support for 120fps, Gears 5 on Xbox Series X boasts a dramatic improvement for input latency. The developer announced on Twitter that input latency--which is the amount of time it takes when you trigger an action to when it completes--has been improved by 36% for the campaign and 57% for multiplayer.

According to Microsoft, this results in a "profoundly more responsive experience." We'll have to wait until we get our hands on the game to understand what this feels like, but it definitely looks like a nice upgrade.

As you can see in the charts below, Gears 5 multiplayer on Xbox Series X at 120fps has an average input latency of 37 milliseconds, compared to 85 milliseconds for Xbox One X at 60fps.

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For campaign, Gears 5 has an average of 60 milliseconds of input lag on Xbox Series X, compared to 97 milliseconds for Xbox One X. The improvements here are in the range of mere milliseconds, but it still seems like a noteworthy improvement. Check out the charts to get into the nitty-gritty of it all.

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Gears 5's optimized version for Xbox Series X will be available when the console releases on November 10. It will be joined by another Gears game, Gears Tactics, which makes its console debut as a launch title for the new console.

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