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Get This Free Driveclub PS4 Theme

Christmas comes early for Driveclub fans.


Driveclub developer Evolution Studios has a Christmas gift for you. The studio has announced that it's giving away a Theme based on the PS4 racing game as a holiday gift for everyone.

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It's a static theme, but the minimalist art style is pretty nice-looking. You can click through the images in the gallery above to get a closer look. Like what you see? The free theme is available to download from the PlayStation Store right now.

In other Driveclub news, Evolution has teased some of the DLC tracks coming to the game in 2016.

Driveclub got off to a rocky start when it launched in October 2014, but it's rebounded since and has sold more than 2 million copies. An expansion, Driveclub Bikes, was released earlier this year, while Evolution continues to support the main game with regular updates and new content.

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