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Getting a Grip on a Game in Upheaval

Every fan of the sport of hockey has breathed a collective sigh of relief since the reinstatement of the upcoming NHL season. Finally, players will hit the ice once more. As for those who enjoy partaking of the collection of NHL-licensed games that come out every year, some are still uneasy about...

Every fan of the sport of hockey has breathed a collective sigh of relief since the reinstatement of the upcoming NHL season. Finally, players will hit the ice once more. As for those who enjoy partaking of the collection of NHL-licensed games that come out every year, some are still uneasy about how much of the "new" NHL will make it into the games. There are, afterall, a metric ton of roster movements and rule changes to deal with, and how about that salary cap? Like you, developers have been somewhat pannicked about trying to get all these changes in order.

Our own Brendan Sinclair wrote this piece on the trials and tribulations of the developers trying to make their games as accurate as possible. It's a great read, and it gives you some insight into how this whole process is going down. Check it out, and share your thoughts on what will and won't be in this year's crop of NHL titles.

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