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Ghost Recon special edition ships

Ubi Soft releases a tactical action game compilation that includes Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and the Ghost Recon: Desert Siege mission pack.


Ubi Soft Entertainment has released Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Game of the Year Edition, its tactical action game compilation that includes the original Ghost Recon along with the Ghost Recon: Desert Siege mission pack. The combined game features 23 single-player missions, 11 multiplayer maps, and six different multiplayer modes.

Ghost Recon was developed by Red Storm and released in November 2001. Players assume control of a squad of elite special forces soldiers, and they must lead their team through a series of missions ranging from search and rescue to demolitions and all-out firefights. For more information, take a look at our full review of the game. Ghost Recon: Desert Siege is an expansion pack released in March 2002 that adds new missions, weapons, vehicles, and enemies, as well as editing tools and enhanced graphics and sound, to the original game. For more information, take a look at our full review of the expansion. The Ghost Recon: Game of the Year edition is now available in stores for an approximate retail price of $49.99.

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