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GI Combat beta sign-ups

Players are needed to test Freedom Games' upcoming World War II tactical combat strategy game.


Freedom Games has announced that it is accepting applications to test its upcoming World War II tactical combat game, GI Combat. Those interested in applying for the beta test can now sign up at the game's official Web site.

The game will feature a variety of historical and hypothetical missions beginning at D-Day and continuing through Patton's breakout from the Normandy beachhead. Players will assume control of either American or German troops and lead them through a series of tactical encounters. The game features a 3D environment with detailed terrain and realistic armor penetration, vehicle movement, and weapons fire. In addition, a multiplayer mode will support up to 32 players over a LAN or Internet connection.

GI Combat was originally announced by TalonSoft in February, but it was announced last week that it is now being produced by Freedom Games. No new release date or publisher has been announced.

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