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God of War planned for PS2

The creative director of the Twisted Metal franchise is working on a new action adventure game.


Today at a press event focused on its upcoming releases, SCEA announced that its Santa Monica studio is currently working on a new PlayStation 2 action adventure game called God of War. Not a lot of details are available at the moment, but it is known that the game will combine melee combat gameplay with various types of puzzle solving. The game will follow what Sony has deemed a "sadistic" plot, complete with more than an hour of in-game cutscenes and multiple endings.

Your character in the game will have a number of different moves at his disposal. As you progress, you'll swim through rivers, ride on zip lines, scale cliffs, and swing on ropes.

God of War will be exclusively available for the PlayStation 2 in early 2005. We'll have more on God of War later today.

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