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God of War Revealed for PS4 at E3 2016

Long-bearded Kratos stars in Sony Santa Monica's next project. Watch world premiere gameplay footage here.


Sony has revealed the first God of War game in development on PlayStation 4, starring an aged Kratos and his son.

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Revealed at Sony's pre-E3 press conference, the game has been titled God of War, although it's not a reboot, meaning that Sony has decided against going for the God of War 4 name.

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Now Playing: God of War - E3 2016 Gameplay Trailer

The trailer of the game opens with a long-bearded Kratos and his son, Charlie, hunting through a snow-laden forest. It moves on to depict a dramatic battle against a titan, in which Charlie misses his target and accidentally fires an arrow into Kratos's shoulder.

The gameplay video can be found above.

Smaller details in the gameplay demo show what appears to be RPG elements, such as archery knowledge points, as well as a Spartan Rage timed-ability during battle.

Later the gameplay briefly switches control between Charlie and Kratos. The trailer concludes with a tantalising glimpse of a dragon flying over Kratos and Charlie, foretelling a grand battle later in the game.

As leaks suggested, the game will be based on Norse mythology. No release date was given.

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