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Gotham Takes Sequel Back to Baghdad

The sequel to Conflict: Desert Storm will replay events of the 1991 Gulf War.


Gotham Games, a division of Take-Two, today officially announced Conflict: Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad. The sequel to the third-person squad-based action game is said to be based on the events of 1991 and will take you back to the sands of Iraq and have you take out what remains of Saddam's regime. You take command of US Delta Forces and British SAS commandos in expansive missions that promise more atmosphere and realism than in the previous game.

The more challenging tactical tasks will have you face opponents that react to your movements with strategic countermeasures. The squads that you control will be composed of four unit types: team leader, combat engineer, sniper, and heavy-weapons specialist. Each type of soldier will have unique skills and authentic weapons. Gotham Games has again employed former British SAS officer Cameron Spence as a technical consultant to ensure that the game maintains a high degree of realism. "Conflict: Desert Storm II takes the squad-based realism of the first title and improves on it dramatically at every level of play," said Jamie Leece, president of Gotham Games. "From the sharper graphics to the more intuitive controls and enhanced AI, this title is sure to be a blast for fans of action and combat games."

Conflict: Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad is scheduled to ship for the PS2, Xbox, and PC this fall.

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