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Gp033: The Last Commander Standing

In a surprisingly quick and exciting match, expert Supreme Commander player gp033, also known as Unconquerable on the GPGNet ladder, emerged as the final victor in GameSpot's Last Commander Standing Tournament. The tournament finale featured three finalists battling in Supreme Commander's...

In a surprisingly quick and exciting match, expert Supreme Commander player gp033, also known as Unconquerable on the GPGNet ladder, emerged as the final victor in GameSpot's Last Commander Standing Tournament. The tournament finale featured three finalists battling in Supreme Commander's Assassination mode live on GameSpot Tournament TV.

Gp033's first victim was Ryan Beauchamp, playing the Aeon faction in the southern portion of the Sentry Point Map. Ryan left his ACU vulnerable while battling the third player, Daniel Schwartz, who was playing as UEF and was based in the northwest corner of the map. Gp033 took advantage of the opening by using bombers to attack Ryan's ACU. Ryan tried to move his ACU to his base, where there were some air defenses, but it wasn't in time. "Ryan's gone, just like that," quipped GameSpot editor and expert commentator Jason Ocampo as Ryan's ACU exploded in a devastating nuclear blast. Ryan will receive the third-place prize, a $100 Best Buy gift card, for his efforts.

Daniel put up a valiant effort, but he too suffered the same fate. Gp033's strategy involved using around a dozen engineers to support his factories, which enabled him to churn out units at a fast rate. "Daniel hasn't had a chance yet to make a move on gp," said host Rich Gallup. A short while later, in a single powerful shot, Daniel's ACU was defeated with an awesome detonation, leaving him with the $300 second place prize. Gp033 was declared the winner, and he will receive a $600 Best Buy gift card.

When interviewed via telephone, gp033 suggested that any players looking to improve their skills should screen replays of other matches, readily available for download on GPGNet, Gas Powered Game's Supreme Commander online portal. When asked how he would spend his $600 certificate, he replied, "Probably try to sell it."

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