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Grab A Free PC Game As Part Of This Fantastic Sale

GameSpot's 1999 review called Freespace 2 "one of the best space sims ever made."


GOG is having a big sale on a bunch of sci-fi games, as well as some fantasy favourites such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Divinity: Original Sin II. On top of all that, the digital PC games retailer is giving away free copies of Freespace 2, which GameSpot called "one of the best space sims ever made" in its 1999 review.

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All you have to do to claim your digital copy of Freespace 2 is go to the giveaway page, sign in or create a GOG account, and then click the "Get it FREE" button. Freespace 2 should appear in your account shortly after that. Be sure to claim your copy before 8 AM Pacific on September 27, as that's when the giveaway ends.

Freespace 2 received a 9.4/10 in GameSpot's review. Critic Desslock said, "FreeSpace 2 is an outstanding game. It retains the outstanding customizability and interface of the original game and presents a more involving story and the best graphics seen in the genre to date ... FreeSpace 2 is a true classic of the genre and one of the best games to be released [in 1999]."

This free game comes as part of a sale that's currently active on GOG. In addition to the aforementioned Divinity: Original Sin II and The Witcher 3, games like No Man's Sky, Battletech, and Stellaris are discounted. There are plenty of sci-fi and fantasy games on sale, so be sure to check out the list below for our favourites. You can see all of the deals on GOG. The sale lasts until 4 AM Pacific on September 30.

GamePrice (USD)
No Man's Sky$30
System Shock: Enhanced Edition$1.49
System Shock 2$10
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak$10
Don't Starve$3.74
Darkest Dungeon$7.49
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition$1.49
The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition$3
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt$12
The Witcher 3: Game of the Year Edition$15
The Witcher 3 - Expansion Pass$10
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales$15
The Witcher Adventure Game$1.49
Divinity: Original Sin - Definitive Edition$12
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition$27
Shadowrun Returns$3.74
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition$5
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut$7.49

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