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Gran Turismo 6 PS3 bundle coming to Brazil

Limited Edition PlayStation 3 bundle will be released in Latin America featuring Brazilian Formula One driver Ayrton Senna.

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Today during the Brazil Game Show, Sony announced a special Gran Turismo 6 PlayStation 3 bundle, to be released in Brazil and the rest of Latin America later this year.

The bundle features Brazilian Formula One driver Ayrton Senna on its packaging. Sony will also roll out various online updates after launch focused around the driver.

The announcement of the PS3 bundle is part of a broader relationship between PlayStation and the Ayrton Senna Institute, a charitable organization founded after Senna's death in 1994.

Gran Turismo 6 will be released exclusively for PS3 on December 6. The special bundle has not been announced for regions outside of Latin America.

For more on Gran Turismo 6, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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