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Gran Turismo 7 Is Increasing Credit Payouts Again After Fan Backlash

Future updates for Gran Turismo 7 will aim to make the game more rewarding, as well as add the option to sell cars.


In an update for Gran Turismo 7, producer Kazunori Yamauchi has apologized for recent issues affecting the motorsports simulator and has vowed to address them by rebalancing the game's entire economy.

To make up for the rocky launch of the game--which included extended downtime that made Gran Turismo 7 virtually unplayable for more than a day--players will be gifted 1 million in-game credits provided that they log into the game before April 25 to claim them.

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As for the future of Gran Turismo 7, Yamauchi explained that an upcoming patch scheduled for April will reestablish the reward system with greater balance throughout the game to benefit all players. Other tweaks include:

  • Increasing rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
  • Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
  • Increasing of rewards in Online Races.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
  • Increasing the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20 million credits to 100 million credits
  • Increasing the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time.

Beyond that, major changes will include more events, increased payouts of limited-time rewards, the addition of endurance races, and online time trials. More importantly, Polyphony Digital is working to create a marketplace that allows its players to once again sell their cars, much like they did in Gran Turismo Sport.

Gran Turismo 7 players had previously spent time grinding out particular races to earn credits that could be used to purchase some of the best--and incredibly expensive--cars in the game, but race payouts were significantly reduced by the recent trouble-making patch.

Yamauchi explained in an update that the reason why cars cost so much was so that they could reflect the value of their real-world counterparts, which drew criticism from fans. Frustration for the current state of Gran Turismo 7 has been expressed on GameSpot's sister site Metacritic, where the game has been review-bombed.

Some players did manage to find a workaround from the reduced payout though, as they used an AFK credit-grinding script to earn some in-game cash.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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