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Gun Survivor 3 update

We have the latest details on Capcom's upcoming shooter.


Capcom has released new information on Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis, its upcoming shooter for the PlayStation 2. The story begins in the year 2009. A dimensional shift occurs in the Boldinia Republic, damaging the ecological system of the Cretaceous period and thus endangering the creation of humankind. To avoid this catastrophe, the US Senate undertakes a project called the Noah's Ark Plan. Its mission is to bring the Cretaceous creatures into the future and then return them to their original time once the crisis has passed. In this first-person shooter, players will assume the role of a US Air Force pilot named Mike Wired, who comes from the year 1943, and work together with a mysterious female character named Pola.

Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis for the PlayStation 2 is scheduled for a June release in Japan.

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