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Halo Developer Does the Mannequin Challenge

343 gets in on the meme.


As part of its 15th anniversary celebration event, Halo developer 343 Industries performed the mannequin challenge--and they did a pretty excellent job.

Check out the video below to see developers from across the studio freeze in place. Even Halo higher-ups like Frank O'Connor, Kiki Wolfkill, and Bonnie Ross take part in the challenge. It's a pretty neat video, and its use of the main Halo theme makes it even better. Take a look:

The mannequin challenge is just the latest internet fascination, following on from the Harlem Shake and others. It picked up steam in recent weeks and is now something of a full-blown phenomenon.

In other news about the Halo franchise, the shooter series celebrated its 15th anniversary this week, as Halo: Combat Evolved launched on November 15, 2001. That was also the day that the original Xbox came out. You can grab some free DLC in Halo 5 and Forza Horizon 3 right now to celebrate.

Here are some massive stats shared by Microsoft for the first 15 years of Xbox:

  • Number of players: 222,468,423
  • Number of total gaming hours: 100,539,390,670
  • Number of total multiplayer hours: 29,000,304,183
  • Number of Achievements unlocked: 32,667,582,157
  • Gamerscore racked up: 572,605,554,587
  • Highest Gamerscore: 1,416,465
  • Number of Xbox Live friendships made: 4,233,891,482

Microsoft isn't done supporting Halo 5 just yet, as 343 plans to release even more DLC for the game. You can watch the first teaser video for the upcoming DLC here.

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