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Halo devs lift off with Moonshot Games

Bungie Studios expatriates establish new Boston-Seattle studio to make downloadable games.


Bungie gained independence from Microsoft in 2007, but for some of its developers, that apparently wasn't independent enough. A small team of Bugnie veterans have struck out on their own, today announcing the formation of their own studio, Moonshot Games.

Team, Moonshot Games blasting off again.
Team, Moonshot Games blasting off again.

According to the new studio's Web site, Moonshot "is pledged to the exploration and development of high-quality downloadable games." The operation consists of four people, three of them--managing director Michel Bastien, director of technology Damian Isla, and creative director Rob Stokes--former Bungie employees and cofounders of Moonshot.

The fourth staffer, artist Mike McCain, arrives at Moonshot from Meteor Solutions, a Seattle-based analytics software company with numerous ties to Microsoft. Meteor counts Bungie's Pete Parsons and former FASA head Jordan Weisman among its cofounders, and Bastien serves as the company's vice president of product development.

Here's McCain's steampunk take on Halo.
Here's McCain's steampunk take on Halo.

Moonshot appears to be McCain's entry into game development, but it's not entirely new territory for him. His online portfolio includes plenty of game-worthy science fiction concept art, particularly a steampunk version of Halo protagonist Master Chief.

According to the studio's site, "The details of Moonshot's first mission will remain top secret until the craft makes moonfall. However, all the necessary research, planning, and prototyping are already well underway." The studio's operations will be split between facilities in Seattle and Boston.

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