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Halo: Fall of Reach comic adaptation inbound

Marvel and 343 Industries teaming to tell Master Chief origin story; first issue due out in September.


No Caption Provided Before he was Master Chief, the Halo protagonist was John 117, an adolescent stolen from his parents and placed in the fledgling and unproven SPARTAN II program. John's transformation from boy to defender of the galaxy was explained in Eric Nylund's novel Halo: The Fall of Reach, but the franchise doesn't plan to stop there.
John 177, sans MJOLNIR armor.
John 177, sans MJOLNIR armor.

Comic book publisher Marvel and Halo label handler 343 Industries have announced a partnership that will bring a comic book adaptation of Halo: The Fall of Reach to shelves this September. Its narrative will follow the novel's storyline and will relate the events leading up to Xbox launch title Halo: Combat Evolved. Those same events will be recounted in the forthcoming game Halo: Reach, due out in September.

The comic will be penned by Brian Reed, who has written for both games and comics, and drawn by Felix Ruiz, who illustrated the Marvel comic Marvel Boy: The Uranian. The first installment in the four-part series, Boot Camp #1, arrives this September for $3.99, alongside the new game in the franchise.

Halo: Reach will be the last title series creator Bungie will develop for the foreseeable future, given its 10-year exclusivity deal with Activision for an all-new, unknown property.

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