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Here's Another Look At Switch's Limited-Edition Monster Hunter XX Console

This may be your only chance to look at the special-edition system as it's sold out in Japan.


The recently announced Switch version of Monster Hunter XX is releasing alongside a special-edition console when it launches in Japan this August, and now some new images of the bundle have made their way online (via fansite Japanese Nintendo).

The bundle includes a copy of the game and a Monster Hunter-themed Switch. Capcom had previously shared a picture of the console's dock, which is emblazoned with a Monster Hunter pattern, but the new images reveal that the Switch itself also has a Monster Hunter trim and design on its backside. Along with that, we have a clear picture of the box that houses it all.

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Now Playing: GS News Update: Monster Hunter XX Confirmed For Nintendo Switch

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Monster Hunter remains one of Japan's biggest game franchises. News that the game would be coming to Switch helped bump Nintendo's rising stock to its highest point since October 2008. The special-edition Switch bundle sold out almost immediately after it was announced, though there's no telling if Capcom will begin selling the empty box (as Nintendo is doing for the Splatoon 2 bundle).

Monster Hunter XX is also available for 3DS, though that version is likewise only available in Japan. Capcom hasn't announced if it plans to bring either version to the West, but the publisher has localized other recent installments in the series, including the original Monster Hunter X, which is known here as Monster Hunter Generations.

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