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Hitman getting a turn-based strategy game, for real

Square Enix Montreal working on Hitman Go for tablets and smartphones; game promises to retain the "essence" of the popular action series.

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The Hitman franchise is expanding into a new genre. Square Enix Montreal today announced Hitman Go, an all-new turn-based strategy game for tablets and smartphones.

Square Enix Montreal said it had "total creative freedom" to make a new Hitman game and this is what it decided to create. Hitman Go will retain the "essence" of the Hitman series, while also representing something new and different for fans of the franchise, the developer said.

Hitman Go will play out across "beautifully rendered diorama-style setpieces," Square Enix Montreal said. Players will strategically navigate through fixed spaces on a grid in their attempts to take down enemies or infiltrate well-protected locations.

"You really have to think about each move and all the Hitman tools of the trade you would expect are included: disguises, distractions, sniper rifles, and even 47’s iconic Silverballers," the developer said.

Hitman Go was developed by a "small core team" at Square Enix Montreal, which allowed the developers to quickly iterate on ideas, the studio said. The game is "almost ready for launch," but Square Enix Montreal didn't say when it will be released or if it will be a free-to-play or paid game.

More information about Hitman Go is expected in the coming weeks.

In addition to Hitman Go, Square Enix Montreal teased that it will soon announce another new project that "fits perfectly within the Hitman universe." Square Enix Montreal is dedicated entirely to mobile Hitman projects, while IO Interactive is currently working on a new AAA Hitman title, which features sandbox levels and has no checkpoints.

A Hitman movie called Agent 47 is also in the works with Homeland's Rupert Friend playing the lead role, replacing Paul Walker, who died in a car crash last year. Star Trek's Zachary Quinto and Betrayal and Shame actress Hannah Ware will also appear in the film.

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