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Hunter: The Reckoning an Xbox exclusive

The Xbox scores yet another exclusive game. This one's from Interplay.


Interplay has announced that it will publish Hunter: The Reckoning for the Microsoft Xbox. Currently in development by High Voltage software for Digital Mayhem, Hunter: The Reckoning will be a third-person action-adventure game based upon the Hunter series of role-playing games and World of Darkness, the universe in which the series takes place. Hunter will utilize AtlasTech Game Engine technology.

"Hunter is one of those rare licenses that is perfectly tailored for gamers worldwide," Interplay CEO Brian Fargo said. "The Xbox, with its advanced technology and features, is the perfect platform for this ambitious project. We are delighted to announce Hunter as our first exclusive Xbox title."

In the game, players will assume the role of one of four characters with unique supernatural attributes that must be used to thwart an army of the undead. As the characters progress through the game, they become more powerful and may use glyphs to enhance their combat abilities. The game's environments include a prison execution chamber, a cemetery, and a train station, among others. There will be 30 different creatures included in the game, as well as a healthy sampling of weapons, including axes, swords, shotguns, and flamethrowers. Hunter will also support four-player cooperative play, allowing players to heal and support one another.

Hunter is currently scheduled to ship in early 2002. We'll have more on Hunter from the E3 show floor next month.

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