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Independence War 2 Screens

Infogrames releases many new screenshots from its upcoming space combat game.


Infogrames has released a batch of new screenshots from Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos. The futuristic space combat game takes place 100 years after the end of the previous Independence War game. Players assume the role of a young renegade pilot named Cal Johnston, who is on a quest to avenge the death of his father. Through the course of the game, players engage in space combat, resource management, and trade. The ships featured in the game can be fully customized with weapons and equipment, and in addition to the single-player campaign, complete multiplayer support is included. For more information about Independence War 2, read our previous articles about the game and visit the official game Web site, which is linked below.

Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos is scheduled for release in April 2001.

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