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Independence War 2 Site Launches

The official online site for Infogrames' upcoming space-combat simulation game is now live.


Infogrames has launched the official Web site for Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos. The space-combat simulation game takes place in the 24th century, after human civilization has been forced to expand into space because of resource shortages on Earth. A war of independence erupted between the colonies of settlers in space and the Commonwealth government based on Earth. This war caused the collapse of the Commonwealth government, and several large corporations rose to power in its place. Democracy and basic human rights have been lost, replaced with feudal control and legalized slavery.

Players assume the role of renegade pilot and escaped convict Cal Johnston. Johnston is accompanied on his quest for revenge by a group of fellow prison escapees. The game combines traditional space-combat simulation elements with adventure and resource management. The game's small capital-class ships can be fully customized with weapons and other equipment, and players can fly trade routes for extra cash. In addition to the epic single-player storyline, a complete multiplayer mode is also included.

For more information about Independence War 2, visit the official Web site. Independence War 2 is scheduled for release on the PC in April 2001.

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