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Injustice 2 Has Loot Drops and Gear That Changes Stats

Injustice 2 players will receive loot drops at the end of fights that can change characters' stats to make them stronger.


Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon appeared on GameSpot's live E3 stage show and talked about his next game, Injustice 2. When asked about the game's gear system, he revealed that the DC fighting game will feature loot drops and gear that can make characters stronger.

"When you finish a fight, we're going to have these drops where basically the victory screen awards you with this gear, and you're going to have the choice of equipping your character with that gear or not," Boon explained. "There's a moulding so to speak, as you keep getting gear you keep deciding if you want to use it and if you want to focus on offense or defense or enhance certain moves or unlock certain moves."

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Boon also mentioned that players will be able to save gear they don't equip right away and use it for missions that might call for more defense or offense. He added that the gear system also makes for a more personalized experience.

"It really results in visually and gameplay-wise, it's your Grodd, it's your Superman, your Batman, your Aquaman, and that's really the foundation on what we're building our main gameplay on," he said.

The gear does make changes to the fighting gameplay, but Boon said there would be a "more level-playing-field version" for things like tournaments.

"You're going to have a significantly more powerful version of Superman after you've been gearing him up and levelling him up, so we will obviously have something to level things out for tournaments and whatnot because you don't want someone coming in with a level 50 Superman against a level one Batman," he explained.

Injustice 2's gameplay was revealed at the Mortal Kombat X Finals tournament. You can watch it for yourself here.

Characters in Injustice 2's roster were possibly teased with a t-shirt that showed items owned by Harley Quinn, Captain Cold, and Doctor Fate.

For more news and impressions from the event, be sure to head over to GameSpot's E3 hub.

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