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Introducing Capital Punishment!

How brutal is this? 32 teams cutting into each other in Gears of War's Execution mode? It's as violent and bloody as gaming gets. So get ready for Capital Punishment, where you and two other team members try to slaughter the competition for over $1000 worth of prizes. But there's more...


How brutal is this? 32 teams cutting into each other in Gears of War's Execution mode? It's as violent and bloody as gaming gets.

So get ready for Capital Punishment, where you and two other team members try to slaughter the competition for over $1000 worth of prizes. But there's more than just money at stake: pride is on the line. Think you can take down the competition? Check out the details, and then sign up. The 96 slots are bound to fill up fast! But a word of warning: with such small teams, you should only sign up if you will take the competition seriously. Do not sign up unless you are prepared to fight according to the posted schedule and rules. Now get cracking!

Also, our first GameSpot Community Game Night was a huge success. I pass on my thanks to those that made it so much fun. Wanna see GameSpot users kicking editor ass? Check it out!

Also also wik: The World in Conflict™ Closed Alpha Test is now available exclusively for Gamespot Total Access subscribers. You will be able to play test several multiplayer maps. Your participation and feedback will help shape the further development of the game. Click here for more details.

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