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Investor snapshot: Game stocks bounce back

Shares in THQ, Take-Two, EA, and EB gain more than a dollar; losses are minor in Wednesday's trading.


Tuesday's declines turned into Wednesday's investor opportunity, giving many game companies a chance to recover their share prices. Shares in THQ Inc. (THQI) advanced $1.55, closing 5.7 percent higher at $28.86, while Take-Two Interactive (TTWO) shares rose $1.27 to $40.10 at the closing bell.

Electronic Arts (ERTS) was back in the game, its shares trading $1.21 higher at $53.63. Electronics Boutique (ELBO) shares rose $1.06 to $44.22, continuing the retailer's recent roller coaster. Shares in Vivendi Universal (V) climbed 15 cents to close at $30.78, and GameStop Corp. (GME) shares closed 15 cents higher at $22.72. Atari (ATAR) and Eidos (EIDSY) shares gained pennies.

Declines were relatively small Wednesday. Activision (ATVI) shares traded 29 cents lower at $15.28, and shares in Konami (KNM) fell 16 cents to close at $22.10. Jamdat Mobile (JMDT) shares lost 16 cents, closing at $17.09. Shares in Midway (MWY) closed 6 cents lower at $10.42.

Nintendo shares advanced 100 yen (93 cents) to close at 11,520 yen ($107.18) Wednesday on the Japanese exchange. Ubisoft shares, traded on the Paris Stock Exchange, finished .47 euros (61 cents) higher at 29.97 euros ($38.70).

Game companies were boosted by the larger markets today. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 135.23 points, closing at 10,540.93. The Nasdaq Composite climbed 31.79 points to 2,005.67, and the S&P 500 finished 16.05 points higher at 1,181.41.

According to Marketwatch, the federal Energy Department announced an increase in the world oil supply for the week ended March 25. Following the news, crude-oil prices fell below $54 a barrel. Shares in Hewlett-Packard have been on the rise during the past two sessions, after company execs announced the appointment of Mark Hurd as HP's new CEO.

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