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Itsy Bitsy Spiderbot

Are you ready, Freddy? This week's Tournament TV was all about metal.Big hunks of flying and rolling metal that shoot lasers. With explosions. Lots of big flaming explosions. Oh, and nukes too. Oh, and did I mention the explosions? I did? Well, that's important enough to mention twice.Of course I'm...

Are you ready, Freddy? This week's Tournament TV was all about metal.
Big hunks of flying and rolling metal that shoot lasers. With explosions. Lots of big flaming explosions. Oh, and nukes too. Oh, and did I mention the explosions? I did? Well, that's important enough to mention twice.

Of course I'm talking about the three talented Supreme Commander players that competed live for $1000 worth of prizes. Tune in to see which player was the Last Commander Standing!

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