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Junji Ito's Next Horror Manga Collection Is Discounted At Amazon

If you like horror and you're not reading all of Junji Ito's work, you're probably succumbing to some kind of madness and you don't even know it.


Artist and writer Junji Ito is a horror icon, with decades of weird, mind-bending stories full of upsetting imagery. Ito's recent popularity has resulted in a Netflix series adapting some of his stories into anime, and another series, based on his excellent collection Uzumaki, is supposed to be dropping on Adult Swim, uh... sometime.

While you wait, you can preorder Alley, the latest collection of Ito stories to make their way to the U.S. Snag it on Amazon and you'll get it at a discount when it releases on July 23.

Amazon is currently offering Alley at $22.50, 10% off its list price of $25. It's Prime-eligible, and you'll automatically get the lowest price offered between when you preorder and the book's release.

There are a bunch more Ito books available with all sorts of stories, and they're all available on Amazon--many at a discount. For anyone just getting into Ito's work, you'll want to start with Uzumaki, in which a whole town slowly descends into madness as they obsess over spirals. Tomei should be on your radar next, about a woman who compels an intense love in people who meet her that always turns horrific. Finally, grab Gyo, a book centering on the very strange story of ocean creatures gaining robotic legs and invading the surface world.

Best Junji Ito Deals on Amazon

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