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Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod arrives December 16

Fan-created game mod launching next week on Steam.


The fan-created multiplayer mod for Avalanche Studios' 2010 action game Just Cause 2 will launch on December 16, according to the game's product page on Steam.

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The JC-MP community created the mod, which allows users to play the open-world game with their friends. It has been in development for more than two years.

A final beta testing period for the Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod will be held December 7-14. Once the final version is released, you'll be able to download the client and server from Steam, just like any other title.

Last year, Avalanche Studios cofounder and creative director Christofer Sundberg said the Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod proves that multiplayer can work in the Just Cause series.

The original Just Cause 2 launched in March 2010 as a single-player-only game. A sequel is rumored to be in development, though Avalanche Studios' only announced project right now is the new Mad Max game.

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