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Just Cause 3 PC Patch Promised, But Studio Asks for Patience

Avalanche acknowledges graphical and technical problems; Dev "fully committed" to providing a fix.


Just Cause 3 developer Avalanche Studios has addressed PC players' concern about the game's technical issues, promising to release a patch, but stopping short of saying exactly when.

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Users on the Just Cause 3 Steam forum have reported technical issues including stuttering, framerate issues, and lengthy load times, among others.

Posting on the game's Steam page, global community manager Petra Opelova said the studio is aware some players are encountering technical problems.

"We're looking into them all and we're fully committed to providing you the best possible experience," she said. "We know you're going to want specific information on when a patch will land and what will be fixed--we would love to give you that information, and we will as soon as we have it."

She continued, explaining that the team needs time to monitor all the information coming in and replicate the issues, before coming up with solutions and releasing them.

"Right now, a little over one day since we launched, we have a huge number of players in our enormous game world and we're monitoring all the data coming in.

"We need a little bit of time to recreate some of these issues and build fixes. Rest assured though--we are fully committed to making Just Cause 3 as awesome as possible."

In GameSpot's Just Cause 3 review, critic Mike Mahardy said "when Just Cause 3 is consistent, however, it's a stunning display of cause and effect, as watchtowers topple into fuel tanks, which blow up nearby helicopters, which sail into oncoming vehicles. I often spent hours setting up outlandish chain reactions, or trying new gear mods, knowing full well I wasn't making any progress in the traditional sense. I was content to just sit back and marvel as it all happened."

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