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Just Dance Summer Party boogies July 19 - Retail Radar

Amazon listing indicates that Ubisoft's rump-shaking series getting 20-song $30 retail expansion next month.


At its E3 2011 media briefing, Ubisoft officially announced Just Dance 3, the latest entry in the dancing series that has sold over 10 million copies to date. That game is due out this October, but players hoping to cut a rug earlier can pick up a new Just Dance title this July, if a retailer listing proves accurate.

Just Dance is throwing a summer party with a $30 cover charge.
Just Dance is throwing a summer party with a $30 cover charge.

Online retailer Amazon has posted a listing for Just Dance Summer Party, saying it is due to ship for the Wii on July 19. According to the product's description, Summer Party will include 20 new songs stemming from the '80s, '90s, and today.

The entire tracklisting was not named, but three tunes were: Katy Perry's "Firework," Rihanna's "Pon De Replay," and Lou Bega's "Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of Monika)." Additionally, the game's box art (at right) shows that Estelle's "American Boy" will also be featured in the game.

Ubisoft has not officially announced the game, but a publisher representative told GameSpot, "I can confirm this game is coming out."

As for Just Dance 3--due out on October 11--that game will be the first entry in the series to be released outside of the Wii and will support the Kinect and PlayStation Move for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 iterations of the game.

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