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Kingdom Hearts Series Will Arrive On Steam Next Month

That means a whole new audience can meet the power mage, Donald Duck.


Square Enix has announced that the Kingdom Hearts franchise will finally come to Steam. The full Dark Seeker Saga starring Sora, Donald, and Goofy will come to Valve's storefront on June 13--which is less than a month away.

Previously, the Kingdom Hearts series was exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC. But next month Square Enix says the action-RPG franchise will open up to a new audience on Steam. Below are the games that will be available, along with a bundle of all three:

  • Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
  • Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 + Re Mind DLC
  • Kingdom Hearts Intergum Masterpiece (a bundle of the three experiences above and includes the Dead of Night keyblade)

The original Kingdom Hearts launched in 2002 as a PlayStation 2 exclusive. The series mixes together the Disney universe with Final Fantasy characters. Along with three mainline entries, there are tons of sidestory games that released on handhelds and other platforms, like Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on PlayStation Portable (which is included with the HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix experience).

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue came out in 2017, while the latest mainline entry was Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2019. These collections of games are currently available on the Epic Games Store, PS4, and Xbox One. The action-RPG series also arrived on Nintendo Switch in 2022 as part of the franchise's 20th anniversary.

No price points were given for the games, though on Nintendo eShop, Kingdom Hearts Intergum Masterpiece costs $90.

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