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Kohan Finds US Publisher

Strategy First signs TimeGate's fantasy real-time strategy game. New screens inside.


Though TimeGate revealed at ECTS that it had secured a deal with Sunflowers for European distribution of Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, the US fate of the game was still uncertain. Today, TimeGate announced that it has signed an agreement with Montreal-based publisher Strategy First to have the game published in North America.

Kohan is an RTS set in a fantasy world where a race of immortals, reawakening after a long captivity, must regain lost glory and dominion over the land. The game incorporates a number of sophisticated strategy elements and tracks units' fatigue, morale, zones of supply, and zones of control. The regiment system in Kohan lets players mix unit types in company formations and yet still control the regiment as a single entity. Much of the single-player game is driven by a series of quests that will push the player to explore the land and history of Kohan.

The North American release of Kohan is planned for early next year.

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