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Kreate-a-Kameo kontest begins

Artistic gamers called out to skin heroine and elemental warriors from Rare's Xbox 360 game; 11 winning entries will be downloadable.


People who are budding game designers or fashion moguls take note: Microsoft has a contest for you. The company has announced the Kameo: Elements of Power Design Your Skin Contest, which asks gamers to submit their own character skins for the Xbox 360 game.

Through May 24, gamers can sketch their versions of Kameo and the 10 elemental warriors and submit them through the contest's official Web site. The contest is open to gamers 13 years old or older, and each submission needs to be an original design. Winners will be announced sometime in May on

This won't be the first time Kameo has donned some new clothes. The elfin shape-shifter got into the Christmas spirit last year with a downloadable skimpy Santa outfit.

For more information on Kameo: Elements of Power, read GameSpot's review.

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