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Landmark Beta Key Giveaway

Win a key to unlock access to the Landmark beta.

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EverQuest Next Landmark allows you to play with the impressive, voxel-based crafting system that let's you create almost anything you can imagine by combing powerful and intuitive building tools to make a fully destructible world.

These keys will get you into the closed beta for seven days. The time starts when the code is activated. Enter your email address before we run out of keys!

Here's How to Redeem Your Key:

  1. Go to and enter the key in the “Have a promotional key?” box on the right side of the website.
  2. On the next page either log in with your SOE account or create a SOE account.
  3. After log in, click the “GO!” button to redeem the key to your account.
  4. You will receive an email confirmation of your account activation that includes instructions and a link on how to download the Landmark launcher.
  5. If you do not receive the email with the download link, the link is available in the Landmark Forums.

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