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Latest Episode Of The Last Of Us Roasted For Getting Boston's Geography Totally Wrong, Stephen King Weighs In

People from the Boston area are pointing out how a beautiful tracking shot was probably not actually filmed in the area.


The newest episode of The Last of Us was seen by millions and is getting rave reviews, but fans aren't enjoying everything about "Long Long Time." The episode opens with a shot showing "10 Miles West Of Boston" but people from the area quickly noticed that the geography is totally wrong.

As you can see in the image below, the new episode showed a beautiful nature scene featuring a canyon and big mountains in the distance. In reality, nothing like that is within 10 miles of Boston.

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A source told that HBO did use drone footage to capture real footage of the Boston area for use in The Last of Us. But the majority of the show's production took place in Alberta, Canada, and that could be where this specific shot of the definitely-not-Boston wilderness stems from.

Boston locals were quick to roast HBO for all of this, and you can see some reactions below, including a joke about Dunkin Donuts. Even author Stephen King, who lives in New England, weighed in. For what it's worth, while HBO might not have gotten the Boston geography correct, the episode did go full New England by showing a post-apocalyptic Cumberlands Farms where Joel (Pedro Pascal) stashed some supplies.

"Long Long Time" told the story of Bill (Nick Offerman) and Frank (Murray Bartlett) and its plot was biggest deviation from the game so far. For more on the episode, check out GameSpot's breakdown and the video above, both of which contain massive spoilers.

New episodes of The Last of Us air Sunday nights on HBO, leading up to the Season 1 finale on March 12. HBO just recently announced that Season 2 is in the works, and fans believe it will follow the events of The Last of Us: Part II, and introduce Abby, among other characters.

For more, check out a trailer for this Sunday's next episode.

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